Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i am covicted and copelled to tell you

my lord has inspired me to share some thoughts with you ,i believe these thoughts will help you stand steadfast and strong as you work and pray your way though troubled times and though the storms of life.


a) read your bible daily,here what the HOLY SPIRIT is saying to the Church's

b) set your house in order.time is running out,(expect challenges from satin the evil one)

c) realize the seriousness of the hour. there is no time left for playing church

d)stir yourself up spiritually, and rise above mediocrity. wake up from spiritual daydreaming and be about your heavenly fathers business.

e) get new priorities. put GOD first in your life in everything you do. you can not serve two masters

f) take your self to the basics, learn to worship GOD daily, before you do any thing else,then end your day with him-thanking and praising HIM for allowing you to live in this hour when the world will see the manifestation of HIS mighty works,power and glory.

g)give the bible,GOD,S word first place in your life and make if final authority in ALL you do in life.work up the truths that you have heard and determine to stand on them,no matter whatstorms satin sends your way. for greater is HE that is in you then he that is of the world.

h) choose to walk in love,avoid arguing,strife and stress at all cost. determined to be a peace maker.

i) dare to stand alone, break away from the secular crowd,do not lat world views or the world squeeze you into its mold.

j) people come and go, so keep focused on JESUS .HE never changes. HE will never leaves you .

k)do something to promote Gods word daily, be filled with a zeal for GOD


m) never stop giving,bless others richly so GOD can bless you more. give so that one hand dose not know what the other hand gives.

0)GOD wants you not to be controlled by money so live within you means, get out of debt. make up your mine to control your finances,discipline your self,do not waiver in this and be diligent about it don't over-extend yourself GOD wants you free. just because you have the down payment and your nabour or friend has a new car is not a valid reason to be in debt.



do not waste the future, you have the potential to a victorious GOD honoring life in all you do so put GOD first.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

talking to our GREAT GOD

pray always, pray with out stopping.
this massage is not intended to point fingers at any one,(except myself) or discourage any one to pray. the massage is merely intended for you the reader to put your own prayer life under the microscope and see for yourself where you have slowed down and become complacent in your prayer life. I did and i was amazed. i have for many years involve myself in prayer life which includes;prayer meetings with friends, men's prayer meetings, Sunday morning prayer request before the serves starts and during the week prayer & bible studies. in john 9;31 the bible says we all know that GOD does not listen to sinners,but he listens to anyone who worships and obeys him.some of us routinely make our needs and wants known each day. no one wants fair whether friends that only know where to find you when they need you and otherwise never think of you.
In the bible we learn that GOD created us in his image and that he wants us to have a personal relationship with him.this would mean he wants us to talk to him often throughout the day.
some of us pray with the lack of consistency.were our prayer life is ether a dry dessert or an oasis.long dry spells interrupted by brief plunges into the waters of communion.
than there are some of us that lack honesty.doubting,lacking faith and even wondering if prayer makes a difference. after all why would the great and mighty GOD how created us want to fellowship with me.
then there is yet those of us who need sincerity. this is consistent memorized ,empty and dull rigid ritual .

however our prayers may be awkward.our attempts may be weak and feeble.so pray often
since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it,our prayers do make a differences. so come humbly before GOD to pray, he still moves mountains

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

enduring faith in this decade

I personal believe that to survive and overcome in this decade you will have to walk by faith. i,personally would not want to be living in these time without knowing Jesus,and having a firm grip on the word of GOD. it is the Word of GOD that makes the difference in our lives. living these days can be very hard,so you can not even comprehend how hopeless it would seem if you did not know the truth that sets you free?!
GOD is seeking for a multitude of believers who are continually learning,searching and walking in the word. than you must continue to work in the work place,live our lives and present our self's as and ambassador of Jesus, as you may be the only representation of Jesus that some people see. the secular society needs to see christens who are stable,joyful and peaceful.
stability, consistency,love and discipline draw people to Jesus.we all know that faith is the victory that overcomes the world,and it will always be that "victory" that over comes the world,no matter what kind of perilous times come(1 john 5;4. for that reason, we must continually grow in faith and never allow any thing or any one to put us in doubt or scatter our faith. living by faith is the latest new thing to do.
there are many members of the body of Christ that are back in bondage,so be careful about what teachings you expose yourself to.if any teaching you here puts you back into bondage and changes your lifestyle or freedom,you can certainly be sure it did not came from GOD.
GOD has imparted truth in your spirit,and your can not let thieves (satin or faults
prophets) come along and steel it from you. as you learn from and study GOD'S word with diligents there will be an alarm in your mind that goes off when you hear thing that are not true.
what brings freedom? truth will. and you only know the truth when you continue in the word.
freedom is an ongoing process. it is an every day comittment to read, study and live by the word.
it is one thing to here the truth. it is also most miserable to here the word(truth) let it go and not live by it. so stand fast(even if you have to stand alone)in what you have learned. do not let anyone steel it from you. go back to the basics,basics of faith and the principles of walking by faith in GOD's word.this is what brought victroy and deliverance to you in the past.continue to study GOD's word daily do not be moved by what you see or what you here,but be moved by what you believe-GOD'S WORD. DO NOT LET GO OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF TRUTHS.
continue in what you have learned and do it .
the thoughts of this massage are from:
john 8;31/32
JESUS said to them, you are truly my disciples if you live as i tellyou to,andyou will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
proverbs 4;20-23
listen son of mine to what i say. listen carfally. keep these thoughts ever in mind;let it penitrate deep in your heart,for they will mean real life for you,and radiant health. above all else,guard your affections.
for theyinfluence everything else in your life.
ecclesiates 11;9 young man,(lady's)it's wonderful to be young!enjoy every minute of it! do all you want to;takein everything, but realize that you must account to GOD for everything you do.
ecclesiates 12; 13+14 here is my final conclusion;fear GOD and obey his commanments,for this is the entire duty of man. for GOD will judge us for everything we do,including every hidden things, good or bad.