Monday, April 26, 2010

a massage from the past

the following notes were dated at 11:45 a.m. on July 9/1997 and left behind in a particular place for me to find at a later date, this individual obviously had/has a great concern for myself and my spiritual well being in Christ Jesus and in my daily walk with the lord.
this massage could not and would not have been well received by myself at a time of great disappointment.
read carefully as you read it may well apply and be helpful in your life.remember satin comes to steel and to destroy,however scripture dose assure us that all things work together for the good for all how love HIM.
the litter;
you are special. infect you are HIS treasure! HE considers you the most valuable of all HIS creations. in Psalm 8;3-5 the psalmist is reflecting on the greatest of GOD and writes, "when i consider thy heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the stares which though has ordained; what is man that thou art mindful of him? and the son of men,that thou visits him? for thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,and hast crowned him with glory and honer."

GOD has crowned you with glory and honer! YOU are GODS prized possession! You are more important than all His handiwork. And you need to see yourself in that light. you are not that old man anymore if you are born again. the very divine nature of God is within you and the blood of Jesus flows in your vains! you are of a royal family in the spirit realm! you have a crown on you that can't be seen the natural eye,but you can walk in that honour because you are highly favored by GOD. there are some people who do not receive victory in their lives because of such low image of them self.JESUS commended us to love one another as we love our self.there are people who hate themselves and can not for give themselves for even the most miner mistakes they have made. this causes people to hate themselves, creating a low self-esteem . how can you then love someone else?
low self-esteem is a result of a lack of knowledge,the lack of not accepting God's grace of forgiveness. but when you know you have been crowned with glory and honor, then confidence will spring up in your inner man, and you will have the courage to face anything. many christens are ling way below their privileges because they don't know that they are highly favoured by they don't expect good things to happen. revelation knowledge will cause you to see yourself the way GOD sees you-crowned with glory and honer! he sees you highly favored and successful in everything you set your hand to do.
when you truly believe that God has crowned you with glory and honor, you will take authority over adverse circumstances in your life and expect God to turn adversity into victory! doubt and insecurity will vanish as you become more and more conscious of Gods favor in your life.
in John 12;26 we read, "if any man serve me, let him follow me;and where i am,there shall also my servant be;if any man serve me,him will my father honour." if you have chosen to services- then the father will honour you. expect victory in every situation simply because you know that you are the object of Gods affection. receive Gods love for you and see for yourself as HIS prized treasure- because you are.
as written by a significant other of years goon by,....posted by johnnyk