Tuesday, December 8, 2009
disappointed/hurt or grieving? one day at time
READ PSALM :84 before and after
GOD has always provided......HE said I will never leave you ........
psalm 23...the LORD is my Shepperd.....
psalm 84 ... is a deep,dark valley, if you are disappointed in or with life, tired, hurting or weeping then be reminded that you will going through the dark valley. the bible dose not say that your are there to stay. when we go through a time of misery and weeping,where the dry wind of disappointment constantly blow and you feel that your mind is emotionally eroded, this is when GOD reminds us that he will never leave us ...... check out to poem foot prints,
we know that we will all go though trying times.even pastors preachers, deacons ,even faith filed baptised believers ,ALL OF US well go through trying times .there would be no Satan or sin if this was not true. we also know that those hardship times were faith builders.
GOD allows Satan to try and temp us,than satin fines ways to destroy us ,yet GOD has always delivered us.just like HE did for david and job and many others that believe in HIM,
greater is he that is in us...........
remember the divel comes to steel, destroy and kill, too often we let satin win, but GOD is ever present to rebuild,heal,forgive and lift us out of that Merrie pit.
i can tell you from personal experience in life and the teachings of the bible that all is well and taken care of when you get to psalm84: 5 and 6.......blessed is the man(person)whose strength is in GOD!!!!!...who passing through the valley of bacca....it dose not say you are done for,finish or there to stay,remember we all have to work our way through whatever crisis come to us in life.
this is not where you give up your faith and forget what GOD has done in your life in the past.
this is not what God's perfect plan was for you,so stand tall even when standing alone,reach up to JESUS,believe that HE came to resue and heal, then tell yourself i am just passing through this difficult time. something else you must know about difficult times, is that all this can be turn into a blessing, again in psalm84 ....we are reminded that those who trust in GOD make all these tredgity(the valley of bacca) a place of springs,like a timely rain,also filling pools of blessings creating strength and even more strength, final increasing into victorious power and blessings.
GOD did this for all who ask in the past... HE will do it for you....remember the psalms and JOB
there are blessings for you as you work and pray your way though (bacca) these terrible things satin has put you into,but you will have to trust god until he delivers you,only than you will come though stronger with even more faith then before.
if you"ll stand on the word of GOD ,that battle with sickness,cancer,that financial trouble,that time of hurt feeling and misery the devil puts you though,will be just another chapter in your life to tell others how powerful GOD is.you can come though bcca so full of faith and rejoicing that the devil will be sorry he ever massed with you.when in a crisis a lot of people (even christens)
will try to convince you there is no hope or help in GOD.my question to you is: 1. how are going to respond to it? 2.are you just going to let satin defeat you and give up! 3.are you going to say I'll just live with my misery, my anger, my unforgiving,and all i have allowed satin to bring against me,am done,I've had it. satin wins,.. OR WELL WE JUST REACH UP TO TAKE THE HAND OF JESUS AND CLAIM THAT GREATER WHO IS IN ME THEN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD.
when i study though the Psalms it is easy to see that David was on a continual roller coaster
throughout his life,always in,through and out of bacca,AND ALWAYS LOOKING UP TO GOD
FOR TO GUIDE HIM. this why the Psalms said; many are they that say of my soul,there is no hope for him in GOD. but thou,o LORD,art a shield for me; my glory,and the lifter of my head!
yet each time the Psalms came through a terrible crisis and was vindicated, he(David never claimed any credit for it,BUT ALWAYS,ALWAYS GAVE GOD THE GLORY.
though it all David always remembered his covenant whit GOD,David always started talking about Gods promise and the David would talk about his faith.
so finally what are you going to do about the valley you have been in for a year,two years,or even three years.......or how are you going to go about the next time you are in a crisis.you need to ask GOD the same thing David did.you need to say" GOD, shell i take this and do nothing?shell i just quit,wither and give up? do i just do nothing when the the enemy has invaded my home and let him/her carry off my family,my health and my money?" if you do,GOD will tell you just what HE told the Psalms in each situation,HE'LL SAY PURSUE.don't quit,get up get aggressive take charge do what David did,be encouraged,strengthen yourself bring what has come before you to the LORD YOUR GOD then read and study the bible,surround yourself with stable christens and go to Church ,then listen carefully as GOD specks to you though the massage the pastor brings to you. don't wait for others to come to you, encourage yourself take control of your life PURSUE and you shall surely overtake you crisis,and without failing recovering all!
this work for David,job and many others
bless you always
johnny k
Saturday, December 5, 2009
christmas greetings
dear friends
just a few lines to wish each one i know and have known in the past joy,peace and love as you celebrate the birth of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST and may you be blessed with
a spirit filled wisdom as you walk love and grow in the knowledge in the GOD hoe created you.
johnny k
a suggestion for a new years resolution:
build confidence in yourself and GOD,s ability
have peace and self control
walk in love and avoid strife
hope for the future by realizing how special you are to GOD
... always remember low self-esteem,fear,bitterness,hurt feelings,anger,resentment and pain will be a thing of the past as equip your self with the word of GOD and let your mind be consumed with the zeal for GOD.
just a few lines to wish each one i know and have known in the past joy,peace and love as you celebrate the birth of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST and may you be blessed with
a spirit filled wisdom as you walk love and grow in the knowledge in the GOD hoe created you.
johnny k
a suggestion for a new years resolution:
build confidence in yourself and GOD,s ability
have peace and self control
walk in love and avoid strife
hope for the future by realizing how special you are to GOD
... always remember low self-esteem,fear,bitterness,hurt feelings,anger,resentment and pain will be a thing of the past as equip your self with the word of GOD and let your mind be consumed with the zeal for GOD.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
great gifts for the teens in your life,by a book for a special teen in your life.
here's some suggestions;
save your marriage before it starts..............by les&liesie parrott
blue prints for a solid marriage .............. ..........by stevenstephen
love reaches out..by ulrich schaffer ..forword by...walter trebisch
whats so amazing about grace...............................by philip yancey
dare to discipline yourself......................................by dale galloway
seven things that steel your joy..............................by joyce mayer
each new day.......................................................by corrie ten boom
sexual understanding before marriage..............by herbert j.miles
your spiritual authority...............................................by pat brooks
tell me again,LORD,i forget..........................by ruth harms calkkin
life mapping...........................................................by john trent, ph.d
making peace with your partner.......................byh.norman wright
the purpose driven life..................................................by rick warren
simple faith..........................................................by charles r swindoll
relationship rescue..................................................by philip c.mcgraw
support focus on the family, family life and the authors mentioned above
johnny k
the greatest of all books to give is the bible.......support the bibles author too
here's some suggestions;
save your marriage before it starts..............by les&liesie parrott
blue prints for a solid marriage .............. ..........by stevenstephen
love reaches out..by ulrich schaffer ..forword by...walter trebisch
whats so amazing about grace...............................by philip yancey
dare to discipline yourself......................................by dale galloway
seven things that steel your joy..............................by joyce mayer
each new day.......................................................by corrie ten boom
sexual understanding before marriage..............by herbert j.miles
your spiritual authority...............................................by pat brooks
tell me again,LORD,i forget..........................by ruth harms calkkin
life mapping...........................................................by john trent, ph.d
making peace with your partner.......................byh.norman wright
the purpose driven life..................................................by rick warren
simple faith..........................................................by charles r swindoll
relationship rescue..................................................by philip c.mcgraw
support focus on the family, family life and the authors mentioned above
johnny k
the greatest of all books to give is the bible.......support the bibles author too
Monday, November 30, 2009
keeping your heart clean and controling your thoughts
staying on track
just some thoughts for today
as i study and learn i find that we are to guard our hearts with diligence,for the forces of life come out of our hearts. satin is will always keep trying to get into our hearts though
anger,strife,hurt feelings and bitterness.(can we still pray the lords prayer......for give us as we forgive others) here are some thoughts to protect your heart.
a).Ephesians 4:26-27 says do not let the sun go down on your wrath.
each day we must cleanse our heart and get rid of any and all .. anger(for anger is more dangerous in [you]the Vasil that contains it then it is to witch it was poured onto)
irritation..(causes strife from witch comes bitterness ) this will simmer until it boils over,so it must be remove daily. this also includes being offended by what some one has done or what someone has said that hurt you feelings.little bits of anger or small irritations of offense against any one ,or everyone well soon become Hugh stumbling blocks in our life witch will hinder our prayer and than stop the flow of God's power.
check out proverbs:.30:32 if you have been foolish in exalting yourself,or if you have devised evil,put your hand over your month. many times each day you may be temped to give someone a piece of your mind.and in proverbs 26:32 we find that if we are slow to anger we are better than the mighty;for he/she who is in control of his /her spirit is greater than the one that takes the city.
this would lead me to believe that GOD'S view would be that when you begin to control your tongue and thoughts instead of giving way to bad temper and anger,you are greater or mightier than the person who wins the fight or the person who has offended you. therefore there is no strife,so you win.
the following has worked for me,i suggest for you to try it. its guaranteed to work.
it is impossible to stay angry with some one you are praying for, and it is not possible to ask GOD to bless and protect some one and stay angry with that some person,so i would suggest to go to GOD in prayer pray for GOD to revel what bitterest,anger and strife you have allowed to come against you,make it right with GOD than go to the throne of grace,except God's forgiveness ,for Jesus died and shed his blood to was you from all sin.
go to first Corinthians 13:4 to8 love is patient and kind,never jealous or envious,never boastful or proud,never haughty or selfish or rude.love dose not demand its own way. it is not irritable or touchy. it does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.it is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out.if you love someone you will be loyal to them on matter what the cost. you will always believe in them, always expect the best of them, and always stand your ground in defending them.all the special gifts and powers from GOD will
someday come to an end, but love goes on forever. this is the GOD-kind of love that is in your heart because Jesus lives in you. love is most certainly one of the fruits of the Spirit. this then is the love of GOD that is though out and around your heart to keep the evil one from getting into your heart and also protect you from letting satin tiring to get a foothold.
Jude 20-21 says to pray in the holy spirit so you will make progress in spiritual growth or in all things of GOD so you can be much stronger as you give all matters to GOD in your prayer.. it is then that the holy spirit well surround you with protection and build forterst or wall to protect your heart as you keep on praying to GOD in faith
johnny k
just some thoughts for today
as i study and learn i find that we are to guard our hearts with diligence,for the forces of life come out of our hearts. satin is will always keep trying to get into our hearts though
anger,strife,hurt feelings and bitterness.(can we still pray the lords prayer......for give us as we forgive others) here are some thoughts to protect your heart.
a).Ephesians 4:26-27 says do not let the sun go down on your wrath.
each day we must cleanse our heart and get rid of any and all .. anger(for anger is more dangerous in [you]the Vasil that contains it then it is to witch it was poured onto)
irritation..(causes strife from witch comes bitterness ) this will simmer until it boils over,so it must be remove daily. this also includes being offended by what some one has done or what someone has said that hurt you feelings.little bits of anger or small irritations of offense against any one ,or everyone well soon become Hugh stumbling blocks in our life witch will hinder our prayer and than stop the flow of God's power.
check out proverbs:.30:32 if you have been foolish in exalting yourself,or if you have devised evil,put your hand over your month. many times each day you may be temped to give someone a piece of your mind.and in proverbs 26:32 we find that if we are slow to anger we are better than the mighty;for he/she who is in control of his /her spirit is greater than the one that takes the city.
this would lead me to believe that GOD'S view would be that when you begin to control your tongue and thoughts instead of giving way to bad temper and anger,you are greater or mightier than the person who wins the fight or the person who has offended you. therefore there is no strife,so you win.
the following has worked for me,i suggest for you to try it. its guaranteed to work.
it is impossible to stay angry with some one you are praying for, and it is not possible to ask GOD to bless and protect some one and stay angry with that some person,so i would suggest to go to GOD in prayer pray for GOD to revel what bitterest,anger and strife you have allowed to come against you,make it right with GOD than go to the throne of grace,except God's forgiveness ,for Jesus died and shed his blood to was you from all sin.
go to first Corinthians 13:4 to8 love is patient and kind,never jealous or envious,never boastful or proud,never haughty or selfish or rude.love dose not demand its own way. it is not irritable or touchy. it does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.it is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out.if you love someone you will be loyal to them on matter what the cost. you will always believe in them, always expect the best of them, and always stand your ground in defending them.all the special gifts and powers from GOD will
someday come to an end, but love goes on forever. this is the GOD-kind of love that is in your heart because Jesus lives in you. love is most certainly one of the fruits of the Spirit. this then is the love of GOD that is though out and around your heart to keep the evil one from getting into your heart and also protect you from letting satin tiring to get a foothold.
Jude 20-21 says to pray in the holy spirit so you will make progress in spiritual growth or in all things of GOD so you can be much stronger as you give all matters to GOD in your prayer.. it is then that the holy spirit well surround you with protection and build forterst or wall to protect your heart as you keep on praying to GOD in faith
johnny k
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